Neglecting regular cleaning of cooling channels can have serious consequences for both the mold and the production process. As contaminants accumulate, the flow of water becomes restricted, reducing the efficiency of the cooling system. Lower heat dissipation due to a layer of low thermal conductivity insulation, combined with restricted flow, can cause localized overheating in the mold (known as hot spots). This leads to uneven cooling and unstable part quality. As a result, the percentage of defective parts increases, production costs rise, and more frequent mold repairs or even replacements become necessary. In critical cases, the cooling channels may become completely clogged, forcing a mold shutdown, disassembly, and mechanical drilling of the blockage, which generates enormous costs. This not only increases operational expenses but also negatively affects the ability to meet production deadlines. In times when customer quality requirements are so demanding, maintaining stable part quality with the shortest possible cycle time is crucial.

Potential Problems Arising from Tool Thermal Disturbances:

  1. Extended Cycle Times: Contaminated cooling channels result in slower heat transfer, meaning the mold requires more time to cool. This leads to longer production cycles, reducing overall process efficiency and increasing operational costs.
  2. Part Defects: Uneven cooling can affect part quality. Defects such as warping, sink marks, and dimensional deviations become more common, leading to a higher rejection rate by quality control. Additionally, uneven cooling can create internal stresses, reducing the strength of the product and causing it to crack under load.
  3. Faster Mold Wear: Reduced cooling efficiency forces the mold to operate at higher temperatures for longer periods, accelerating the wear of mold components. This can shorten the tool’s lifespan and require more frequent repairs and refurbishments.
  4. Higher Energy Consumption: An inefficient cooling system requires more energy to maintain the mold’s proper temperature, leading to increased energy costs and a greater environmental impact.

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